"My biggest influence right now are colors. The brightness and nature of them."- Vanessa ZamoraThis past week Mexican singer, songwriter and producer: Vanessa Zamora, played at the Sofar Sessions in Los Angeles, California. She recently released her latest single, "Rio", which is not only catchy, but it's also a "go with the flow" anthem. Zamora is at a point in her career, as she mentioned, where she feels empowered and that really shows with her last two releases: "Rio" and "Malas Amistades". Not only are they visually appealing, but they talk about life subjects any one can relate to at some point in their life. They are basically amazing previews for her upcoming album Tornaluna, which is set to be out September 28. Less than a month away! For those that are not familiar with Vanessa Zamora and her music, she is from Tijuana, Baja California. She has been into music all her life, but after the release of her 2014 album, Hasta la Fantasía, her career has nothing but grown. She currently describes her sound as pop with electronic and psychedelic influences and it definitely reflects on her latest singles. I got the chance to talk to Vanessa on the phone the other day while she was in L.A.and happened to be at The Broad Museum. After a few phone call attempts due to bad wifi, patience, and good vibes this is a little insight on what Zamora had to say: Desert of my Eye (Pao-Owner): Hi how are you?! How was the Sofar Session? Vanessa Zamora: It was fun. There a lot of people there. Benjamin (the owner of the Sofar Sessions) invited me because he wanted to do a Latin music night at Sofar and I am so happy to be part of the first one! I was happy to see people there that probably were not used to hearing music like that. D.O.M.E: How is L.A so far ? What is your favorite thing to do while in the city or while in the U.S? VZ: I am currently at The Broad Museum. I love coming to L.A. and visiting new places and friends. I love going places, trying food, and going to coffee shops too. D.O.M.E: "Rio" and its music video has just been released. By the way, I love it! The sound and visuals of the video are all fantastic. What do you mean when you sing "naci para correr" and how do you feel about the great feedback from fans like when they say, "tu music sana el corazón"? VZ: Those things fill me with life. When I started doing music, I did it for myself. I wanted to heal and release my feelings. I love how people identify with my music. "Rio" is song that is very "go with the flow". Dejate fluir. We as humans, are meant to be in motion and in that motion we are attracting many things as we go. D.O.M.E: So, you write, make and produce your own music. What has been the best and hardest thing about that? How does it feel to be your own boss? VZ: I feel empowered. I have the freedom to do what I want. There is no mental or physical barrier there to stop me. With this new album, I wanted to be in charge of everything. This is the first album in which I had full control. I even co-produced it with a really good friend and musician, Ruzzi. D.O.M.E: What have you learned the most about this new experience with the album and making music? VZ: I learned a lot! Every phase brings new learning experiences. I feel plentiful. With it comes emotional peace and a mental drainage of many things. Life is about trying to be happy and trying to project that. D.O.M.E: What can we expect for Tornaluna? It's almost here! VZ: I am so excited and nervous! It's a psychedelic-pop album that is very fun and full of "color". It will be available on all platforms and a tour is planned. I hope to be able to do a show in El Paso too! D.O.M.E: Last but not least, I love how you dress and your style! Who or what influences your style? VZ: From the air I breathe to an eclipse, it all influences me. I don't have a specific style. I love going to thrift shops. When I go thrift shopping and see something that catches my eye, I usually buy it and wear it a lot. I love shine too. I am in a very psychedelic phase right now. Color, color, color! My biggest influence right now are colors. The nature and brightness of them. I want to give Vanessa a huge thank you for her words and time! Look out for her latest album, Tornaluna, coming out September 28! Follow her on Instagram to keep up with everything she has going on @vanessazamora. www.vanessazamora.net
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Interviews and playlists of local bands and international artists.
April 2022