“We need to go out there, and live our lives.” Marcos Rey, possibly one of El Paso’s biggest supporters, is a painter and photographer from El Chuco who dedicates his time to promoting the city of El Paso. If you haven’t heard of him yet, you might have heard of Last Thursdays Art Walk, one of the many ways he shows his love for our city. If you're as excited to meet him in person as I was, you can go say hi this weekend at Chuco Relic where he is being featured as artist of the month!
Marcos Rey’s work, especially his photography, is highly impacted by the rich history found in El Paso. He finds that the architecture Downtown has really influenced his work, and the many buildings by Henry Trost found in our city really capture his attention. Marcos’ main goal is to educate, both El Paso natives and visitors, about the significance of the architecture that many take for granted. As for his paintings, you can find one of his pieces at the Hal Marcus Gallery, also influenced by the history of El Chuco. When you talk to Marcos about El Paso, you can immediately feel his love for the city. He will be quick to tell you that his favorite thing to do is to explore Downtown and enjoy all the cool new things that are happing there. He mentions how there are so many different things to do, and most of the time we don’t even realize. It’s important for him that everyone finds something that they love, and Marcos can guarantee you that there is always something for everyone. Don’t believe me? Ask him yourself and you will be amazed! Now, you still might be wondering what is Last Thursdays Art Walk? Last Thursdays Art Walk looks to feature different artist in all the different galleries found Downtown evert last Thursday of the month. The goal is to have more people visit Downtown and learn about the abundance of art we have in our city. Each month’s Last Thursdays will be a completely new experience with new artist and events that you do not want to miss! Marcos offers free tours during the Last Thursdays where he will guide you to all the different galleries and events taking place. Of course, people are free to join the tour and later break off to enjoy Last Thursdays however they would like. Believe me, it is definitely worth it to try to make it to as many Last Thursdays as possible. You can look them up on Facebook, Last Thursdays El Paso, and ask about participating either as a vendor or as a participant of the walking tour. What is Marcos’ main passion? To make us all see how amazing our city is and with his help we can all go out there, try something new, and fall in love with our city. You can go follow Marcos Rey on Instagram (marcos__rey) or Facebook at the Last Thursdays El Paso page to learn more about events going on in El Paso! And don't forget to visit Marcos this Sunday, September 17 from 12pm to 2 pm at Chuco Relic at the TI:ME for ART.
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